Tate had his first guitar lesson with Uncle Dan last night where he learned how to strum the strings with a pick, and then fetch a dropped pick from the middle hole-thingy.
A quick Google search reveals that the middle hole-thingy is actually called a sound hole. So there's your guitar lesson. (you're welcome!)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
the lake
We had a great time at lake Oconee with our friends Allison/Torsten and Jin/Jason this past weekend. Tate and BeBe (10 months apart) are now old enough to play together, and had the best time riding in boat, running around the house, bouncing in the blow-up water park, driving their electric cars, etc. Allison's twins, James and Isabella, and Brady (6 weeks apart) enjoyed sleeping and looking at each other.
I took a lot of pictures - hopefully, I'll get motivated to upload all of them soon. Until then, here's a few highlights...
I took a lot of pictures - hopefully, I'll get motivated to upload all of them soon. Until then, here's a few highlights...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
good jeans
In 2003, I bought my first pair of Seven jeans. Going into Neiman Marcus, spending $150 and having my jeans hemmed for the first time ever was a life-altering (and butt-altering) experience.
Not only were they the best-fitting jeans I had ever owned, they signified (in a small way) that I had made it, and that I somehow fit into the Buckhead lifestyle I adopted early in my professional career.
Those jeans and I were inseparable. They accompanied me on my bachelorette weekend in Hilton Head, my honeymoon in St. Lucia, a cruise to the Bahamas... and they made thousands of pilgrimages to much more mundane locations over the years.
Eventually, the style changed. Light-washed jeans were replaced by darker, more sophisticated shades of denim, and my favorite, go-to article of clothing was folded neatly and placed at the top of my closet.
Occasionally - during a random spring cleaning - I would pull them down and try them on. You know, just to see how they (we) were holding up. Over the years, they became tighter and tighter during those brief fittings, and they stopped fitting altogether in 2008 - the beginning of my child-bearing years.
Despite their now tattered hem and the small hole in the right inner thigh that was acquired during their heyday, I still couldn't bear to part with them, and back to the top of the closet they would go.
Last night, I tried them on for the first time in ages - ready (and expecting) to reluctantly toss them into the Goodwill bag and finally say goodbye after all these years of being unable to wear them.
Instead, I can now add "dropping my kids off at school" as the latest adventure my favorite jeans and I have shared.
A tad overly sentimental? Yes. But, what better way to celebrate a milestone in post-baby weight loss than with a cherished old friend. :)
Not only were they the best-fitting jeans I had ever owned, they signified (in a small way) that I had made it, and that I somehow fit into the Buckhead lifestyle I adopted early in my professional career.
Those jeans and I were inseparable. They accompanied me on my bachelorette weekend in Hilton Head, my honeymoon in St. Lucia, a cruise to the Bahamas... and they made thousands of pilgrimages to much more mundane locations over the years.
Eventually, the style changed. Light-washed jeans were replaced by darker, more sophisticated shades of denim, and my favorite, go-to article of clothing was folded neatly and placed at the top of my closet.
Occasionally - during a random spring cleaning - I would pull them down and try them on. You know, just to see how they (we) were holding up. Over the years, they became tighter and tighter during those brief fittings, and they stopped fitting altogether in 2008 - the beginning of my child-bearing years.
Despite their now tattered hem and the small hole in the right inner thigh that was acquired during their heyday, I still couldn't bear to part with them, and back to the top of the closet they would go.
Last night, I tried them on for the first time in ages - ready (and expecting) to reluctantly toss them into the Goodwill bag and finally say goodbye after all these years of being unable to wear them.
Instead, I can now add "dropping my kids off at school" as the latest adventure my favorite jeans and I have shared.
A tad overly sentimental? Yes. But, what better way to celebrate a milestone in post-baby weight loss than with a cherished old friend. :)

Friday, August 19, 2011
mommy confession
So, I forgot to pick up the kids from school yesterday. Completely. Forgot. I'm still a little in shock over it myself.
I worked from home like usual. Keith came home around 4:30pm and went upstairs to take a nap, and I jumped in the shower around 5:15pm so that we could meet friends in downtown Roswell at 6:30pm for the monthly Alive After Five event.
After my shower, I remembered that I needed to send one "quick" email. The "quick" email involved a complicated subject and I totally lost track of time.
I remember looking down at the time on my computer. And I remember thinking... "oh wow, it's 6:20pm. Let me run back upstairs and change clothes so that we can go."
I went upstairs, Keith was still laying in bed... and that's when it hit me: HOLY @%^#!! I FORGOT ABOUT THE BOYS!!! (Keith thought I had already gone to get them - didn't realize I was still downstairs. He was lying there waiting for me to get home.)
Keith dashed out the door like a madman and I called the school to let them know that we were, um, running a little late. He got there at 6:40pm (10 minutes after they closed) and retrieved our poor, forgotten babies who were standing by the front door with the teacher who was ready to lock the building and turn out the lights.
My guilt and self-loathing were somewhat eased when two little happy faces came through our front door. Tate ran and gave me a big hug, and Brady was all smiles, so I suppose all was forgiven.
But, seriously, what kind of mother forgets about these two?? A tired one, is my only explanation. I think the weeks of sleep deprivation are finally getting to me!!!!!!
I worked from home like usual. Keith came home around 4:30pm and went upstairs to take a nap, and I jumped in the shower around 5:15pm so that we could meet friends in downtown Roswell at 6:30pm for the monthly Alive After Five event.
After my shower, I remembered that I needed to send one "quick" email. The "quick" email involved a complicated subject and I totally lost track of time.
I remember looking down at the time on my computer. And I remember thinking... "oh wow, it's 6:20pm. Let me run back upstairs and change clothes so that we can go."
I went upstairs, Keith was still laying in bed... and that's when it hit me: HOLY @%^#!! I FORGOT ABOUT THE BOYS!!! (Keith thought I had already gone to get them - didn't realize I was still downstairs. He was lying there waiting for me to get home.)
Keith dashed out the door like a madman and I called the school to let them know that we were, um, running a little late. He got there at 6:40pm (10 minutes after they closed) and retrieved our poor, forgotten babies who were standing by the front door with the teacher who was ready to lock the building and turn out the lights.
My guilt and self-loathing were somewhat eased when two little happy faces came through our front door. Tate ran and gave me a big hug, and Brady was all smiles, so I suppose all was forgiven.
But, seriously, what kind of mother forgets about these two?? A tired one, is my only explanation. I think the weeks of sleep deprivation are finally getting to me!!!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
look what I can do
I told Tate this week that I wanted him to just stay little forever. His response:
"No Mommy. I get big and play baseball. I hit the ball, and run, and slide, and ride on the bus, and you say 'goooo Tate!' I not stay little."
Me: "Well, ok then. But, you'll always be my baby no matter how big you get. Ok?"
Tate: "Ok. And you be MY baby, too."
And, since we got all of that figured out, he decided to do a lot of growing up this week. New accomplishments include:
"No Mommy. I get big and play baseball. I hit the ball, and run, and slide, and ride on the bus, and you say 'goooo Tate!' I not stay little."
Me: "Well, ok then. But, you'll always be my baby no matter how big you get. Ok?"
Tate: "Ok. And you be MY baby, too."
And, since we got all of that figured out, he decided to do a lot of growing up this week. New accomplishments include:
- Going to the potty at school! He's been going 3-4 times per day at school and going regularly at home now, too. I take off his diaper at home and put on his Toy Story underwear. I told Keith that this is it and I'm not buying any more diapers (except for nighttime) once we run out. Wish us luck!
- Somersaults. We showed him how to do one a few weeks ago and helped him over a few times. Randomly last night, he said, "watch me!" and did it perfectly by himself.
- Brushing with toothpaste. For 2 nights in a row, we've had a spitting lesson at the kitchen sink and then I've let him have just a dot of toothpaste for brushing. He likes the spitting part and asked me this morning when he woke up if he could come spit in the kitchen. Hopefully, he's not spitting everywhere at school today.
I'm enjoying my little boys more than I ever could have imagined. Too bad they refuse to stay little....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
the brady-boo
The boo had his 4-month well visit today and did great. Happy, laughing and just a little crying during the 3 vaccines. He's a healthy 18lbs 3oz (91 %) with a 43.6cm head (75%) and 25.75 in (67%) in height....so, short and stocky. I'm so glad he is my 2nd child and that we already have a full wardrobe in every size, because the kid is difficult to shop for...he's wearing anything from 9 month clothing all the way up to 2T! He's also currently wearing size 3 diapers, but we'll be moving to size 4 once we run through our supply. (We just moved Tate into a size 5 diaper from a size 4 a few months ago if that gives you any reference - ha)
Speaking of Tate: Let's take a brief intermission from Brady's update to announce that Tate went to the potty at school for the first time yesterday. Yay! This could be the start (or re-start) of something big!
Back to Brady... he gets rice cereal or oatmeal in the morning and evening, 6oz of formula or pumped milk every 3-4 hours and he's still nursing in the morning and evenings (and unfortunately, once in the middle of the night.) Dr. Jennie wants me to try to just comfort him briefly when he wakes during the night and put him back down to sleep without feeding him. I invited her to come over tonight at 3am to see how that goes. She thought I was kidding. :)
Anyway, here's a video and picture of my sweet boy during his appointment.
Speaking of Tate: Let's take a brief intermission from Brady's update to announce that Tate went to the potty at school for the first time yesterday. Yay! This could be the start (or re-start) of something big!
Back to Brady... he gets rice cereal or oatmeal in the morning and evening, 6oz of formula or pumped milk every 3-4 hours and he's still nursing in the morning and evenings (and unfortunately, once in the middle of the night.) Dr. Jennie wants me to try to just comfort him briefly when he wakes during the night and put him back down to sleep without feeding him. I invited her to come over tonight at 3am to see how that goes. She thought I was kidding. :)
Anyway, here's a video and picture of my sweet boy during his appointment.
Monday, August 15, 2011
little people
One of the perks of our zoo membership is special, members-only events throughout the year. This weekend, the Fisher-Price Little People musical was in town. Tate has several of the LP toys and movies so we thought it would be fun to take the boys. Tate was a little nervous during the show, but told us later that he really liked it....

Sunday, August 14, 2011
all the proof I need...
I have a hidden talent that I don't often share with people. (I don't like to brag) But, it's pretty amazing.
If you were to blindfold me... and put me in a room with Brady and 20 other babies... and they all had poopy diapers...I could pick Brady out in less than 2 minutes flat.
Because his poop smells like buttered popcorn!
And if that's not proof that God exists, than I don't know what is.
Because only He would know that in the event that I were ever blinded and accidentally separated from my child....my first and natural instinct would be to go in search of a buttery, popped treat.
If you were to blindfold me... and put me in a room with Brady and 20 other babies... and they all had poopy diapers...I could pick Brady out in less than 2 minutes flat.
Because his poop smells like buttered popcorn!
And if that's not proof that God exists, than I don't know what is.
Because only He would know that in the event that I were ever blinded and accidentally separated from my child....my first and natural instinct would be to go in search of a buttery, popped treat.

Saturday, August 13, 2011
real names
Lately, Tate has been very interested in our "real names". This is the conversation that we have over and over again.
Mommy, what's your name? Whitney
What's daddy's name? Keith
Keith? Yes.
What's Tate's name? Tate
What's Brady's name? Brady
What's your name? Whitney
What's daddy's name? Keith
and on and on it goes...
Poor guy is already so confused. Just wait until I have to explain to these two that their names are actually William and James!
Mommy, what's your name? Whitney
What's daddy's name? Keith
Keith? Yes.
What's Tate's name? Tate
What's Brady's name? Brady
What's your name? Whitney
What's daddy's name? Keith
and on and on it goes...
Poor guy is already so confused. Just wait until I have to explain to these two that their names are actually William and James!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
panic-attack thursday
Who needs coffee? Simply follow these steps to ensure that you are fully alert and that your adrenaline is pumping on a Thursday morning:
1. Get your baby and toddler dressed and fed and head outside to load them into the car.
2. Open the driver's side door and put your purse in the seat. Close the door.
3. Open the back passenger door and get the baby and his car seat loaded. Close the door.
4. Open the front passenger door, reach across and put the keys in the ignition and turn on the car. Accidentally set off the panic alarm, but quickly shut it off. Hear a clicking noise. Ignore it. Shut the door.
5. Walk around to the other side of the car to get the toddler loaded into his seat. Realize the car is locked.
7. Check each door to make sure.
9. Check to make sure the air conditioning is running. It is.
10. Look for your phone so that you can figure out who to call.
11. Realize your phone is in your purse in the driver's seat!!
12. Go inside with the toddler to call your husband from the house phone.
13. Remember that it doesn't work because it is unplugged and uncharged.
14. Head back outside to check on the baby. He's fine.
15. Realize that none of the neighbors are home. Knock on the house next door just to make sure. No answer.
16. Pretend to be McGuyver and look for tools around the house to "jimmy" the lock.
17. Decide that you are NOT McGuyver and that you are going to do major damage to the car if you continue with this plan.
18. Go back inside with the toddler to look up a locksmith number online.
19. Find a nice landscaping man and borrow his cell phone. Call the locksmith.
20. Sit outside in the shade with the toddler while you wait on the locksmith.
21. Look through the car window frequently to check on the baby. He's peacefully napping.
22. Breathe a huge sigh of relief when the locksmith shows up 20 minutes later and unlocks the doors.
23. Pay $150.
24. Hug the baby.
25. Drop the boys off at school.
26. Come home and debate a glass of wine at 9:45am.
27. Take several tequila shots instead. (Just kidding)
28. Call BMW about getting a spare key made.
29. Realize much later that you could have just called 911 and that it would have been quicker and free.
30. Decide that $150 is a relatively small price to pay, and thank God (again) that everyone was ok.
1. Get your baby and toddler dressed and fed and head outside to load them into the car.
2. Open the driver's side door and put your purse in the seat. Close the door.
3. Open the back passenger door and get the baby and his car seat loaded. Close the door.
4. Open the front passenger door, reach across and put the keys in the ignition and turn on the car. Accidentally set off the panic alarm, but quickly shut it off. Hear a clicking noise. Ignore it. Shut the door.
5. Walk around to the other side of the car to get the toddler loaded into his seat. Realize the car is locked.
7. Check each door to make sure.
9. Check to make sure the air conditioning is running. It is.
10. Look for your phone so that you can figure out who to call.
11. Realize your phone is in your purse in the driver's seat!!
12. Go inside with the toddler to call your husband from the house phone.
13. Remember that it doesn't work because it is unplugged and uncharged.
14. Head back outside to check on the baby. He's fine.
15. Realize that none of the neighbors are home. Knock on the house next door just to make sure. No answer.
16. Pretend to be McGuyver and look for tools around the house to "jimmy" the lock.
17. Decide that you are NOT McGuyver and that you are going to do major damage to the car if you continue with this plan.
18. Go back inside with the toddler to look up a locksmith number online.
19. Find a nice landscaping man and borrow his cell phone. Call the locksmith.
20. Sit outside in the shade with the toddler while you wait on the locksmith.
21. Look through the car window frequently to check on the baby. He's peacefully napping.
22. Breathe a huge sigh of relief when the locksmith shows up 20 minutes later and unlocks the doors.
23. Pay $150.
24. Hug the baby.
25. Drop the boys off at school.
26. Come home and debate a glass of wine at 9:45am.
27. Take several tequila shots instead. (Just kidding)
28. Call BMW about getting a spare key made.
29. Realize much later that you could have just called 911 and that it would have been quicker and free.
30. Decide that $150 is a relatively small price to pay, and thank God (again) that everyone was ok.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
deep thoughts

If I could be any animal, I'd probably be a unicorn.
It would be pretty awesome to be all glittery and elusive, and also get to have a deadly weapon on your forehead.
Because, as everyone knows, unicorns are just ninjas in horse's clothing.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
when I'm tired...
when the house is a mess...
when I'm stressed out at work...
when I'm feeling fat...
when I can't be in 10 places at once...
when I haven't been to the grocery store and there's no food in the house...
when I have nothing to wear...
when I need a vacation...
I can look at this picture...
And, suddenly, nothing else seems to matter.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
the family bed
"Keep your words soft and sweet in case you have to eat them."
It's true. For those of you who have openly admitted that your child sleeps in your bed, I have scoffed. I have judged. I have peered down at my perfect and precious toddler while he slept soundly in his own bed from my very, very tall parenting pedestal and told myself that would never happen to me.
That is, until my perfect and precious toddler turned me into a liar. And a hypocrite.
Because, you see, the Golden household has been sharing a "family bed" now for weeks on end. Let me show you how it works.
This is our bed.

This is our bed with it's usual occupants. Notice the human/cat surface area percentages.

And this is what our bed now looks like. You may notice some variations in the surface area percentages.

I'm sure this is just a temporary phase. I mean, I don't know any teenagers who still sleep in the same bed with their parents. (right?!?!?)
So, I guess in the meantime, I'll just be laying here...wide awake....eating my words...with a knee in my ribs and an elbow in my eye.
P.S. Dear Brady, don't get any ideas. Love, Mom
It's true. For those of you who have openly admitted that your child sleeps in your bed, I have scoffed. I have judged. I have peered down at my perfect and precious toddler while he slept soundly in his own bed from my very, very tall parenting pedestal and told myself that would never happen to me.
That is, until my perfect and precious toddler turned me into a liar. And a hypocrite.
Because, you see, the Golden household has been sharing a "family bed" now for weeks on end. Let me show you how it works.
This is our bed.

This is our bed with it's usual occupants. Notice the human/cat surface area percentages.

And this is what our bed now looks like. You may notice some variations in the surface area percentages.

I'm sure this is just a temporary phase. I mean, I don't know any teenagers who still sleep in the same bed with their parents. (right?!?!?)
So, I guess in the meantime, I'll just be laying here...wide awake....eating my words...with a knee in my ribs and an elbow in my eye.
P.S. Dear Brady, don't get any ideas. Love, Mom
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
grape expectations
In 2006, Lindsey and I vacationed in France and went on an amazing adventure through Paris, Bordeaux and Nice. Naturally, we each brought back wine as a souvenir and I stored my 3 bottles away for a special occasion.
- I took a new job within the company in 2008. No wine.
- Keith and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary in 2008. No wine.
- Tate was born in 2009. No wine.
- Brady was born in 2011. No wine.
It recently occurred to me that if promotions, milestone anniversaries and the births of our children are not special enough occasions, than I clearly don't know what qualifies.
So, tonight, I pulled one of the bottles out of the cabinet and celebrated successfully getting both kids to bed on a random Tuesday evening.
And you know what? It was disgusting.

(I'm sure there's a moral here...what is it?)
- I took a new job within the company in 2008. No wine.
- Keith and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary in 2008. No wine.
- Tate was born in 2009. No wine.
- Brady was born in 2011. No wine.
It recently occurred to me that if promotions, milestone anniversaries and the births of our children are not special enough occasions, than I clearly don't know what qualifies.
So, tonight, I pulled one of the bottles out of the cabinet and celebrated successfully getting both kids to bed on a random Tuesday evening.
And you know what? It was disgusting.
(I'm sure there's a moral here...what is it?)
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