Wednesday, October 19, 2011

6 months

A quick update on Brady at 6 months (well, 6.5 months)...

Weight: 20lbs, 15.5oz (90%)
Height: 28.25in (91%)
Head: 45.5cm (86%)
Teeth: 2 bottom teeth
Diapers: Size 4
Clothes: 12month pants, 12- 24month shirts
Activities: Crawling, sitting on his own, spitting up on everything, laughing at Tate, chewing on Tate's toys, and he just started pulling up.
Food: Fruit in the morning (bananas, pears, apples) and vegetables in the evening (green beans, squash, sweet potatoes). Takes 7oz of Similac 3 times a day and still nurses 1-2 times in the evenings.
Sleep: Generally sleeps from 7pm - 7am with one feeding during the night.
Talking: Laughs, squeals, grunts, growls, and just started saying dadadadada.