Monday, February 28, 2011


After three nights on my own, I was very happy to have my boys back home yesterday. They had a great time in St. Simons and you can check out the highlights from their trip on my mom's blog.

My weekend consisted of a mani/pedi, lots of shopping, catching up with friends, printing invitations for Tate's 2nd birthday party, a wedding shower, sleeping until 9am on Sat and Sun, and an afternoon of cleaning the house without anyone following behind me and "uncleaning". It was great to have some time to myself, especially with Brady's pending arrival, but all weekend the house seemed too quiet.

All is now right in the world....

While I made dinner last night, my sous chef "cooked" some yogurt and fed his elf, and then he and Keith went for a short bike ride around the neighborhood to try out the new bike trailer (Tate yelled "Bye, Mommyyyyyy!" all the way down the street). We played with the cats, talked to Brady, read some books and he was in bed by 7:30pm. We have our usual bedtime routine of hugs and kisses, but he was sweet and asked for extra kisses last night. Love that boy...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

first-time parents

Who brings home a new baby with no socks or hat?

At least there's a blanket in the last one. It's funny to look back and remember how clueless we were. And it's funny to think how clueless we will be again when Brady arrives!

Friday, February 25, 2011


While a "shower" is only typically thrown for the first baby, it's become common to host a "sprinkle" to celebrate any additional children. Since we're having another boy and already have everything we need, even a sprinkle seemed a little maybe we should call this a mist...or a dew (?) :)

Either way, my friend Keri was sweet to arrange a painting class with some of our close friends, which turned out to be so much fun! The instructor walked us through each step of the process and I thought everyone's painting turned out great! I'm already looking forward to signing up to do it again soon....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

opening day

Tuesday was the opening day of baseball season at Kell High School. It's amazing what a difference a 2 year old can make on your attitude... because I'm actually LOOKING FORWARD to baseball this year!

Sure, the practice schedule is brutal and we miss Keith during the week, but watching this sweet boy run around the field and want to be just like his daddy definitely makes it all worth it.

Cheers to the sound of bats cracking, the smell of hotdogs on the grill, the warmth of the sun in the stands, and the sight of dirty, red clay footprints on my carpet from not one, but both of my baseball boys...


Tate is still very much into firetrucks, so we were excited when my friend Erin invited us to visit her firefighter husband, Jim, at his station in Norcross....

Driving the truck

Fireman Tate

Getting a little help from Fireman Cooper

A quick ride with the sirens! (just in the driveway)

Erin was the only one brave enough to try on the mask

Tate, Cooper and Maddox

Tate was too scared to pose with Fireman Jimmy in all his gear, so Brady and I did (32 weeks pregnant)

A "Code 3" (non-life threatening) call came in as we were leaving

Fireman Jim in action!

To the rescue....

Monday, February 21, 2011


Keith was inducted into a new club today. Unfortunately, it was the I-slammed-my-kid's-fingers-in-the-car-door club, and he wasn't too excited to earn his membership.

What started as a great morning, ended with four of Tate's fingers on his right hand being in the wrong place at the wrong time as we were organizing the car and getting loaded to take him to daycare. It makes me sick to my stomach and a little light-headed to think about it now, but I'm proud of myself for taking charge and acting calmly and rationally in the heat of the moment. (this is coming from a person who easily faints at the sight of blood and has even passed out at the vet's office - a good story for another time)

Keith realized immediately what had happened and was able to open the door back up quickly as poor Tate stood there with his eyes bulging wide as the shock of the incident turned to throbbing pain. I swooped him up and rushed inside to access the damage, which turned out to just be some deep purple indentations and damage to the nails, no signs of broken bones and no blood. whew.

I gave him some Tylenol and then gave him a popsicle in an attempt to distract him while I tried to apply ice. The whole thing was over in about 15 minutes and he seemed completely normal when I dropped him off at school...he was even holding a pencil in that hand and drawing as I left.

So, the end result will likely be no scarring for Tate, but permanent scarring for me and Keith, as this was the first (and, hopefully, only) time where one of us has accidentally inflicted major physical pain upon him.

We ended the day with our 4,856th viewing of Toy Story, followed by an early 7pm bedtime. As you can see below, he's perfectly fine. Any maybe even milking it a little. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I came across my Apples to Apples game this morning and was struck with the idea of randomly selecting a card and then writing a blog post around that particular word. (without cheating and selecting another card.)

The word I picked: inspirational.

Appropriately enough, it fits. Today I was inspired by pictures from our honeymoon that I haven't looked at in years and discovered as I was cleaning out files on my computer. Now, A) I really want to go to back to St. Lucia and have been daydreaming of the Ladera Resort, and B) I want to look like that girl in these pictures!

So, I'm posting these as my postpartum inspiration:

Saturday, February 19, 2011


One of my new year's resolutions was to do a better job of posting regularly on this blog. It's February 19. How am I doing??

At 22 months, Tate is becoming quite the little man. His growing vocabulary and budding grasp of the world around him is equal parts amazing and entertaining. Every day he makes us laugh with things like..."Mommy, you're a big boy!!" or "No sing, Mommy, shhhhh" (during an attempted lullaby) or holding up his hand and telling us "I'll be right back" and thinking he's about to walk out the front door by himself.

He can count to 10, mostly say his ABC's and is starting to learn his colors. He recognizes red the easiest and will randomly guess bee-you, green, wipe and yewow for the others. He has zero patience for tv commercials or traffic lights ("MOVE!!") or anything that involves waiting, but on the positive side, says "please" and "thank you", "bless you" if someone sneezes and will automatically give you a hug and say "I sorry" if he knows he's done something wrong.

He is very sweet-natured, extremely outgoing and wants to be friends with everybody....usually waving and saying "hi" and "bye" (loudly) to anyone we see in public. He's the sheriff of his class in school, making sure all of the other kids follow the rules and stay in line. "Case, get down!" or "AJ, no! Say sorry, hug!" or "No Parkar, Cooper's milk!" When I get him in the afternoons, he chats away about his day from the backseat and laughs to himself as he recounts the day's activities...most of it is incoherent, but I love that he enjoys school and has such a happy time with his friends and teachers.

He's a great helper around the house, too. He's good about picking up his toys, will put trash in the trashcan without being asked, and likes to help with sweeping, vacuuming and dusting. I'm hoping his helpful attitude continues once the baby arrives in just 6 short weeks! Speaking of, I should mention that we've changed the baby's name since I last posted. Keith and I grew tired of explaining the spelling/ pronunciation of Bayer and decided over the holidays to go with our other top option, Brady. So the official, final, Ireallymeanit name is James Brady Golden. (if you look back at my "What's in a Name" post, you'll notice I broke one of my own rules of using a name on the top 100 list. But since it's #93, I think we can let it slide)

So, I think that pretty much summarizes what we've been up to.

Now to finally get to the title of this post, here are a few pictures from our hiking adventure with Aunt Lindsey last weekend at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. Such a fun day!