Wednesday, June 15, 2011

loose ends

I previously wrote a "part 1" for both Tate's 2nd birthday and Brady's birth story. As Paul Harvey would say, here's the rest of the story...

We got to the hospital, got checked into our room, I got strapped to the monitors, and then we waited...and waited...and waited to find out when/if they planned to deliver the baby. Keith slept in the recliner and his sister Karen kept me company.

I had progressed from 2cm to 3cm by 5am (ish) and FINALLY got the word that they had scheduled my c-section for 8:30am. The surgeon would be a woman named Dr. Stacy Boulton, not Dr. Soufi. Despite not having any idea who Dr. Boulton was (not even part of Dr. Soufi's practice), I was ready to get this baby out.

A fluster of activity began shortly after 6am as the surgery prep began. Once again, all the dread leading up to the epidural outweighed the discomfort of the procedure itself. Everything went smoothly and before I knew it, I was being wheeled down to the operating room. (OR 3 - same room where Tate was born)

20 minutes later, at 8:50am, James Brady Golden was born, weighing in at a whopping 9lbs, 14oz...exactly as predicted by the neonatologist.

Keith got to spend a few minutes in the recovery room with Brady and I, before leaving at 10:15am to head back up to Roswell to host Tate's 2nd birthday party. While Brady and I got settled in our room and got to know each other alone (which was really nice), the rest of our family and friends ate cake and celebrated Tate at the park across the street from our neighborhood.

We made the mistake of trying to introduce Tate and Brady later that afternoon. Tate was tired after his party and there were too many people in the room...a recipe for disaster. We had a MUCH better experience the next morning when Tate was rested and it was just the 4 of us.

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