Wednesday, March 30:
Dropped Tate off at daycare like normal and then went to run a few errands. Drove through Chick-fil-a because I was craving sweet tea and then went to Publix to order Tate's birthday cake. After Publix, decided to stop into the nail place next door to get a pedicure so that I would have cute toes for Tate's party on Saturday and Brady's c-section, which was scheduled for Monday morning. Before going inside, I remembered that I'd left my sweet tea in the car, so quickly went to get it and on my way back to the nail salon from the parking lot, I tripped pretty hard over the curb. My knees, shoulder and hands took the brunt of the fall, but it was impossible not to land on my stomach, too. I fell so hard that my hat flew off my head, my tea landed 5 feet from me and I ripped 2 holes in my jeans. There was nobody around to witness this ordeal, so I hobbled back to the car, very shaken.
My first reaction was to head straight to Dr. Soufi's office, so I left a message on her nurse's machine explaining what had happened and telling her I was on the way. About halfway there, I decided to turn around and head home. The baby was moving fine and I wanted to take a shower and clean off the blood from my knees and hands. I got in touch with Dr. Soufi's office later that morning and scheduled an appt for 2pm that afternoon. As soon as I got there and saw Dr. Soufi, she sent me directly to the hospital for fetal monitoring and testing. I began to notice that I was having contractions while waiting in the hospital lobby. Anyway, long story short, they started an IV to stop the contractions, took some blood for a kb test (to determine whether any cells from the placenta/fetus detached during the fall) and wheeled me downstairs for an ultrasound, where I was told everything looked fine and they predicted he would weigh 9lbs, 14oz.
I tried telling everyone not to come, but Karen, Eileen, Lindsey and Dan, Keith and Tate all came to provide support (with mom in route from SSI). I was released around 7:30pm and was told to take it easy until Monday. In summary, a scary incident, a few battle wounds and a happy ending at Uncle Julio's with family for mexican food.
Friday, April 1:
Tate's 2nd birthday!! The day began with a party with his friends from school in the morning. He was so excited about his birthday and loved getting to eat cake and have everyone sing to him.(see my previous post for pictures.)
Dad arrived late that afternoon and picked him up from school. We played, made grilled chicken for dinner, ate more birthday cake...and I began to notice contractions again. Around 6pm they were coming every 10 minutes, by 7-8pm they were getting a little more intense and coming every 8 minutes or so. I laid down upstairs and mom and dad put Tate to bed for me. I texted Keith who was at an away baseball game in Douglasville to give him a heads up that he needed to leave immediately after his game.
He got home around 10pm and went to bed. I, on the other hand was completely restless and still contracting. I took a bath to try to relax, but by midnight the contractions were coming every 6 minutes and I went ahead and called the doctor, who said to come on to the hospital since I was a c-section patient. Keith reluctantly got out of bed, sloooooowly took a shower and packed, while I got my parents up to let them know and waited impatiently downstairs. (For some reason, he didn't think I was really in labor and thought it was dumb that we were going to the hospital.) Here we are, finally packed and ready to leave around 1am.
My little buddy is up from his nap and needs my attention. To be continued....
Can't wait to read what happened next!