I stole this quiz from a friend's blog. I've enjoyed reading hers throughout her pregnancy, so I'll do my best to update this every month or so until #2 arrives in April.How far along are you? 14 weeks and 4 days. (although I look MUCH further along)
How big is the baby? babycenter.com says he is 3.5 inches and weighs 1.5 ounces.
Maternity clothes? I finally gave in and am wearing maternity clothes full-time now. With Tate, I was able to wear my regular jeans, with the Bella Band, up until 18 weeks! (sigh)
Weight - Loss or Gain? In total, I've gained around 6 lbs.
Stretch marks? No new ones from this pregnancy, but plenty from the last one.
Sleep? Pretty normal, except for the occasional trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Sampras (the cat) now sleeps in the garage, so that's helped to eliminate the nightly 3am wake-up call for attention.
Any movement? I am pretty sure I've been feeling him move for about 2 weeks now. The movements are subtle and fluttery and mostly in the evenings after dinner when I'm sitting down.
Food Cravings? Juice (any kind) and green olives. I am particularly fond of cheddar cheese, olive and mayo sandwiches at the moment. I craved this with Tate, too.
Food Aversions? Onions and garlic - can't deal with the lingering effects of either.
Gender? Early signs indicate that we are having a BOY! I thought for sure this one would be a girl, but the ultrasound on Oct 5 was pretty convincing. Dr. Stone correctly predicted Tate was a boy at our 13 week appointment, so we'll see if he's 2 for 2 at our next ultrasound on Nov 2.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What do you miss? Energy. It's slowly starting to come back, but I'm still pretty much exhausted all the time. Growing a human being and having a toddler is a lot of work! I am also sad to miss the
Decatur Beer Festival this year.
What are you looking forward to? The upcoming holidays with Tate. I have never, ever decorated for Halloween before and we have lights all over the front of our house this year. Christmas will be even more fun. It's exciting to revisit these holidays through the eyes of your own child.
What was the BEST part of this week? Shopping! I now have stuff to wear! I saved all of my maternity clothes from last time and based on the sheer lack of clothing, I'm not sure at all what I wore with Tate. Probably the same outfit every day. If so, I'm sorry.
What was the WORST part of this week? Monday was a very stressful day at work. I hosted a Webinar with 620 participants on a brand new platform and was faced with one issue after another while live on the call. Considering the circumstances, I handled it ok, but I definitely could have used a glass (bottle) of wine afterwards. Also, took Tate to his 18-month well visit on Wednesday and he had to get 3 shots. That's never fun, but we both survived.
Weekly Wisdom? I try to remind myself daily to cherish these moments with Tate. Even when I'm tired, achy, just want to go to bed...I try to remember that these are the "good old days" that we'll look back on and I want to live and enjoy his childhood to the fullest.
Milestones: No milestones for me or the baby, so I'll just share Tate's 18-month stats:
- weight - 26lbs, 2oz (52%)
- height - 32.75 inches (58%)
- head - 50cm (94%)