Sunday, October 17, 2010

18 months

A year and a! In some ways, it feels like yesterday since we welcomed Tate into our lives. And in other ways, it seems like such a long time ago that it's hard to remember what life was like before him. Here is what our sweet boy is into these days:

  • Excitedly points to any large or red truck and says "fire truck - woo woo woo!" (his best siren imitation). Fire trucks are his favorite thing right now. Leaning towards a fire truck birthday party unless something new comes along between now and then.

  • Recognizes and says "schoo bus."

  • Loves tractors and MUST sit on it if we happen upon one. Surprisingly, we happen upon a lot of tractors.

  • Points to planes and helicopters, but doesn't really have words for them yet.

  • Still obsessed with bikes and now says it correctly. I miss "bikey".

  • Says "car" and "beep beep", and lately says "Tate dri" and tries to get in the front seat. (Remind me to always hide my keys- that last one scares me)

  • Knows and points to "mommy's car", "daddy's car" and "nana's car". Says "bye car" if he sees a neighbor's car pulling out of their driveway.

  • Talks about "boats" and happily read a boating magazine while we waited for his 18-month check-up. Pointed to every bikini-clad model posing on the boats and said "mommy?" (yes, baby, that's me!)

  • Uses sign language when he says the word "more". It's my favorite thing.

  • My other favorite thing is that he now gives kisses. (although not on demand - it has to be his idea and on his time) The other night, he climbed on the couch, grabbed my face with his chubby hands and alternately planted a kiss on each cheek. How do you top that?

  • Likes to play "golss" (golf). Gets his 3 plastic golf clubs out of his little plastic golf bag, keeps one for himself and gives the others to mommy and daddy (or nana when she's in town) and then we are instructed to play "more golss". Which means, "get up and find all of my golf balls so that I can hit them under the furniture and you must stay standing and you cannot put down your golf club or I will get upset." :)

  • Loves "bay ball". We'll pitch to him, he swings with his plastic bat and then pretends to run the bases. Imitates a pitcher's wind up when he throws.

  • Also loves "fu ball" and gets excited when he sees it on tv. Likes to crouch down and do "down, set, hut" and then run around the house. Says "go dawgs!" and "touch down!

  • Knows "teen ball" and will bring me a racquet and a tennis ball so that I can dribble and do tricks for him on the hardwoods in the kitchen. He also likes when daddy juggles the tennis balls.

  • And, have I mentioned he is a lefty? Uses a left-handed swing for golf and baseball and throws with his left.

  • Has not yet grasped the concept of catching the ball. Will get his hands ready, but it just hasn't clicked yet.

  • Loves his stuffed animals and is now very particular about which ones sleep with him. Scout the dog sits on his pillow, and then he has 2 monkeys and a little blue bear that actually get to sleep next to him. And his blanket. None of these friends have specific names yet...just "monkey" (for both), "bear", and "blanket" - all of which he can say pretty clearly.

  • Likes to sing the ABC song, the Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider. Claps at the end and says "more, more!" He also makes sure everyone is singing and will call you out if he can't hear you.

  • Pitches a fit about wearing jackets and hats, but very interested in shoes ("froos") - both his own and trying to wear ours.

  • Smiles, waves and says "hi" to everyone we meet.

  • Doesn't like to get dirty. Says "yucky" and "may-ess" (mess) and wants to wash off his hands if he gets stuff on them.

  • Takes one 2-hr nap in the middle of the day and generally sleeps from 8pm - 8am.

  • Watches Sesame Street, Barney, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny, and enjoys books.

  • Good eater, not too picky. Eats lots of fruit, some vegetables and likes chicken, pork, hot dogs and fish. He tried beets for the first time this week and seemed to like them.

  • Says "peas" and "tank you", mostly without being asked.

  • Tells our cats "NO KEE!" all day long. They usually deserve it. It's good that he's the boss of something.

  • Has picked up some not-so-favorite words, like "ME!" and "MINE!" at daycare. He's mostly sweet, but starting to test boundaries and throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

  • Likes school and talks about his teachers "Mimi" and "Barbara". Knows the kids in his class. Said "Bye AJ" to a little girl in his room when I picked him up the other day.

Do you feel a year and a half older after reading this ridiculously long list? Sorry, I guess this post was more for my documentation that your reading enjoyment. In summary, life with an 18-month old is lots of fun! Our little guy is 100% boy and I'm excited that he will get to share his adventures with a little brother very soon....

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