Friday, July 30, 2010


One of the most stressful decisions during my pregnancy - mainly because I kept putting it off - was deciding where Tate would go to daycare. Since this was going to be a place where he would spend 7-9 hours a day, K and I wanted to make sure that we found the perfect nurturing environment for our little man. One year later, we couldn't be more happy with Kids R Kids.

Each morning, Tate takes a bath, gets dressed and eats breakfast... and then we'll ask, "are you ready for school?" To which he always responds excitedly by grabbing his sippy cup and running to the door, shouting "let's go!!"

Everybody knows Tate at school. From Barbara at the front desk, who lets him sit in her lap for hours- playing with the big calculator and pushing the button to let people in the front the lunch lady who always gives him a big the bus driver who waves and gives him a high all the teachers (even in the older classes) other kid's parents (one mom tells me regularly that Tate is going to marry her daughter.) He walks around as if he owns the place, waving and smiling at everyone who comes into view.

It's been a really wonderful experience and it provides such peace of mind knowing he is in such a fun, caring place. They sing songs, read books, blow bubbles, do art projects, play on the playground, and they even have a water park that Tate's class gets to enjoy on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Here are some pictures of how Tate spends his weekdays...

art projects daily report card

school pictures (how sad is this face? found out later he had pink eye and a double ear infection!)
Older pictures (from the baby room)

playing with Addison and Case

Case and Tate

with Ms Ingrida on his first day

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