Thursday, July 14, 2011

the tater head

Just wanted to share a few of Tate's latest phrases. He is a great little communicator and I still find myself amazed almost daily at things he says and does.

  • All a num (all of them)
  • I not (As in..."Tate, are you cleaning up your toys?" "I not")
  • All bodies (everybody)
  • That's enough (as in stop/knock it off)
  • Numbers!! (what he exclaims when he sees letters)
  • Just a minute
  • Wait for me
  • Let's go to the store, I want to buy something
  • Likes to eat "pops" (lollipops and popsicles)

    He is getting better and better at keeping himself entertained and playing on his own. He likes to put out pretend fires, and pretend he's cooking and going to the store or going to work. His matchbox cars are his current favorite toy and there is one particular white ("wipe") one that he carries with him all the time and even sleeps with.

    He likes to fix my hair, will ask if he can please get a haircut and he suddenly likes to have his fingernails and toenails clipped. He is very observant about what other people are wearing and will say things like "wow, mommy, are you wearing a dress?" He will also bring me the shoes from my closet that he thinks I should wear. It looks like I might have a future shopping and mani/pedi buddy in Tate. ha.

    We've been having issues with him getting up several times during the night and coming into our room (after a year or more of him staying in bed through the night). Most times, one of us - lately Keith - will walk him back to his room and lay down with him until he falls back asleep. But sometimes, after a particularly rough night when all of us just want to sleep, we'll let him get in bed with us. I know it's not the best idea...but it's pretty hard to complain when he snuggles right up to me and wants to sleep with both arms around my neck.

    We were also told today that he is the most polite, well-behaved kid in his class. You can't ask for much more than that! We're pretty proud of the person our little guy is turning out to be....
  • 1 comment:

    1. What a sweet kid. I think every one of them goes through the "try to get in mom and dad's bed". I think my favorite phrase is "all bodies", that is funny. And, Anna does the opposite calling everything "letters" even when it's numbers.
