Friday, December 3, 2010

inquiring minds

I have a lot of stuff to post about....our fun Thanksgiving week on SSI, Tate's transition to a "big boy bed", Bayer's nursery progress, and even the final descent of the infamous Mickey balloon (1 mo, 2 days)...but I haven't felt like uploading pictures...or thinking/writing in complete sentences for that matter. So, I'll leave you with my latest pregnancy quiz instead...

How far along are you? 22 weeks

How big is the baby? I don't know. But if I had to guess, I would say BIG!!!!

Maternity clothes? I may omit this question going forward, you know the answer.

Weight - Loss or Gain? I've gained somewhere between 15-18 lbs. With 18 weeks to go, I'm predicting that I'll land around the 40 lb mark. Not terrible, but enough to receive predictable lectures from Dr. Soufi between now and April about watching my weight. "But the baby neeeeds Chick-fil-a!" J/K. I do eat the occasional fast food meal, but we've been much better about eating at home. We have a toddler, we have no choice.

Stretch marks? Can we also eliminate this question? Otherwise, I can continue to remind you that yes, yes I got stretch marks the first time. I will probably get them this time, too. I promise never to wear a bikini again.

Sleep? Mostly normal, but here I am blogging after 1am while Keith's been asleep for hours.

Any movement? Feeling him move a lot more lately, all day long. This is the best part of being pregnant.

Food Cravings? Nothing specific. I require protein in the mornings- mainly in the form of eggs. That's about the extent of my quirkiness.

Food Aversions? Anything minty, particularly the taste of gum. Blech. Chocolate is still pretty gross, too.

Gender? Another unnecessary question. Boy, Boy, Boy. I'm taking this one out next time, also.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What do you miss? Full, deep breaths. There is already not room for my lungs to expand to their desired capacity.

What are you looking forward to? Finishing both boys' new rooms. I bought Tate the Ryder (train) bedding from PBKids and just need to 1) swap our queen bed for Lindsey's full, 2) move the dresser/hutch into the nursery and buy him a new bookcase (found one at Ikea), and 3) paint.

In Bayer's room, I need to 1) paint, 2) organize his closet, 3) and get the dresser/hutch set up. I ordered this really cute (I hope) tree decal that will go on one of the walls and I'm painting his room light blue, so even though I'm reusing Tate's bedding, it will still feel sort of new.

What was the BEST part of this week? Getting our carpets cleaned! We have a few stains that, unfortunately, seem to be permanent, but otherwise, they look as new as 15-year-old carpets can be. And, the timing could not have been better....during the initial walk-through with the cleaning guy, I spilled my entire cup of coffee all over our dining room carpets!

What was the WORST part of this week? Let's see...was it walking into the hair salon today and being asked by my hairdresser if I was having twins? Or, stabbing myself with a knife during an art project yesterday? Or, maybe not having heat in my car this week?

I pick the first one. I really try, but I just don't have patience for people and their comments this time around. Whereas I might have smiled and laughed it off before, I politely responded, "you know I'm not having twins. Are you calling me fat??" To which he replied, "um, no. I, um, just couldn't, um, remember...." Thus, a very long and silent 2-hour cut and color with a lot of pretend BlackBerrying.

Weekly Wisdom? I have a lot of wisdom this week:

1) If you come upon a pregnant person , only say positive things about her appearance. If she is fat or has gained a lot of weight, she probably already knows this. And by all means, do not make any comments unless you are 100% sure she is pregnant in the first place. I was a bystander to this awkward situation earlier this week.

2) Pregnant people can say things (even adamantly) and then completely change their minds and that's ok.

3) 9 months is not too long to endure the trials of pregnancy. Today's minor annoyances, will be tomorrow's funny memories. "ha, ha. Remember when you called me fat that one time??"

4) Don't rake the yard while there are still leaves on the trees. Those will fall, too.

5) Never underestimate the power of a toddler's hug and kiss to melt your heart and brighten your day.

6) Money is temporary. Diamond earrings are forever. (Keith? Are you reading this?)

Milestones: More than half-way there!! And, Tate's move to a big boy bed is another significant milestone in the Golden household! 5 successful nights so far of no whining or getting up. (knock on wood that it continues!)

1 comment:

  1. had to look up the bedding before I commented, very cute! So fun decorating! Enjoy their nice rooms while they last, Brice's is full of knick knacks!!!!!!!!! ( those last few exclamations are by Brice. :))
